Alcoa is currenlty testing EcoClean, a new coating for its Reynobond building panels.

As a photocatalyst, titanium dioxide interacts with sunlight to break down organic matter both on and floating around the surface of the building panels, leaving the organic matter sitting on the surface of the Reynobond panel, ready to be washed away. When it rains, water doesn’t bead on the surface. Instead, it collapses and runs evenly off the building, taking most of the broken down pollutants with it.

Reynobond with EcoClean actively works to remove pollutants by using sunlight, water vapor, and oxygen in the air to clean the air itself. In fact, 1,000 sqm / 10,000 sq ft² of Reynobond with EcoClean on your building can have approximately enough cleansing power to offset the smog created by the pollution output of four cars every day, which is the approximate air cleansing power of 80 trees every day.

In the words of a reader: “So if we coat One Rincon Hill in this stuff it won’t just look like a giant Ionic Breeze, it will actually be one.” There’s still time for Tower Two.
Reynobond with EcoClean []
No Story, Simply A Fresh SocketSite Perspective On One Rincon Hill [SocketSite]
The One Rincon Hill Tower Two Timing, Design And Details Scoop [SocketSite]

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